Eight Men Out (1988)
A True Story About Human Nature That Every Fan Of Great Films Will Enjoy.
28 March 2021
This is a classic baseball film (if you acknowledge 'baseball film' as a genre). An historical film with great attention to period-specific details, 'Eight Men Out' (1988) is less about baseball than the individual choices of several people - some of whom happened to play baseball. There is something to learn here, and I view the characters differently now than I did when I was younger. This film starts conversations and debate among a group of people that watch it together. Enjoy.

RealReview Posting Scoring Criteria:

Acting: 1/1;

Casting: 1/1;

Directing: 1/1;

Story: 1/1;

Writing/Screenplay: 1/1;

Total Base Score = 5

Modifiers (+ or -):

Believability/Consistency: +1 (Great sets and period-specific costumes.);

Importance To Genre: +0.5 (As far as baseball storylines are concerned, the influence of gambling on early baseball is an important topic.);

Cultural Significance: +0.5 (This film gave the world the false impressions that these eight guys did something extraordinary and that baseball has a drastic reaction. The truth is, to some degree, gamblers corrupted most games back then. To protect their investment and keep salaries low, owners tried to look the other way and bury the story. The only difference here, is that this story became too big to bury.);

Total RealReview Rating: 7.
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