This was an underrated masterpiece! Paw-Tucket was an awesome place to visit!
30 March 2021
Littlest Pet Shop: A World Of Our Own is more than a great show, it was a masterpiece. The characters were entertaining, the plot and the settings sounded very awesome, and the art and animation looks very cool and cute! Without the show, who will know Roxie and her friends from Paw-Tucket? It was ashamed that it ended so short, but I can hope that Hasbro will bring it back someday, this show really deserves a lot of love and attention than what it has! There were some flaws like some of the the episodes can be boring sometimes, but Littlest Pet Shop: A World Of Our Own was still a great show that shows us about how pets live, work and play in their own world. It is hands down an underrated masterpiece!
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