Star Trek: The Next Generation: Ensign Ro (1991)
Season 5, Episode 3
Ro Lauren = Fierce.
31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure ---- I believe I am in love with Ensign Ro Lauren, so take that into consideration with any reviews that have her playing a prominent role in the episode.

I LOVE the character of Ro Lauren. She is the character that holds the candle to starfleet directives and practice of non-interference. She's fierce --- she's a proud bajoran who wrestles with complex feelings about bajoran identity and she has even has ballsy lines like, "They're lost, defeated. I will never be."

This is a wonderful episode that details the skillful deceit the Cardassians use to achieve their Agenda. They find a sympathetic admiral and stage an attack on starfleet colony and convince the admiral it was the bajorans. The admiral then attempts to use Ro to unearth the Bajoran resistence so they can be held accountable --- blissfully unaware that he is a pawn in a chess game.

The intrigue and deception largely occur off screen. The beating heart of the episode is ensign Ro attempting to work through her complex position and ultimately she is convinced to confide in Captain Picard by a heartfelt reach out from Guinan.

On top of Lauren being so beautiful it makes me want to cry ---- Ro is also intuitive and able to see this mission for what it is and she comes up with a plan to expose an Admiral's conspiracy.

Current star trek needs to watch the scene of ensign ro telling Picard about her past ----- This is how you create a sympathetic and likeable character. No music, no blinking lights, just a camera zooming on an actress delivering heartfelt impactful dialogue.

This is just a beauty of an episode and one of the foundation stones to great episodes yet to come.
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