Brooklyn Bridge: Boys and Girls Together (1992)
Season 1, Episode 13
The first of three...
31 March 2021
Episodes 13-15 of "Brooklyn Bridge" are really one large story and it's difficult to exactly rate each episode. Each portion is about Benny, Alan, Katie and Karen....and how their relationships are tested.

When the episode begins, Alan has been told that Katie's parents don't want her to spend too much time with any one boyfriend...which, for her age, seems pretty reasonable. However, with a school dance coming up, Alan conspires with Benny to try to circumvent the Monahan's rule that Katie should not go out with the same guy more than twice a month. So here's the plan: Alan has his friend Benny ask Katie out with the understanding that when they arrive at the dance, Alan will be with Katie. As for Benny, he's been infatuated with Karen for years, so Alan will ask her out and then switch her to Benny once they arrive. Not surprisingly, the ruse falls apart when Benny finds he likes Katie better AND Karen doesn't realize she's going to be passed on to Benny AND she's infatuated with Alan! How does all this work out? See the shows.

Like all the episodes of the series, it's marvelously written with lovable characters. In particular, Benny is a lovable doofus and seeing the boys dig a hole for themselves is pretty cute and nostalgic.
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