Whatever Happened to "Celebrity Poker Rodeo"?
31 March 2021
I get this movie. I understand the ultimate message. It's presented a bit melodramatically, but that may be what the genre demanded. And I've long been a fan of Olivia Thirlby, ever since "Juno" and "5 to 7." However, I'm puzzled by a scene that was set up perfectly, but never shown.

So Holly meets Shayne, who is naturally skeptical of her supposed invisibility. Together they meet Shayne's manager, who tells Shayne that he's secured him a TV booking for "Celebrity Poker Rodeo," where he would play poker before a live audience.

Is there any better way for Holly to prove her value to Shayne than as an invisible accomplice at a poker tournament? The scene practically writes itself. The moment was teed up and ready to go.

But if Shayne ever does appear on "Celebrity Poker Rodeo," we don't see it. What a lost opportunity.

Was this perfect setup purely a coincidence? Or was something later deleted? Claudia?
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