Taking a look at the Despair Arc
1 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While I can understand why people can not like this series. It has some writing problems and some of the characters are not that great, but it still has something to it. I can of see why some people do not like because it was made into an anime instead of a video game . I really feel this is more of an advantage because I do not think this type of story could have been told throught the visual story style the games had. There is too much fast pace action and the anime format really help in this department. While this series does nothing by itself. Ridding on the coat tails of the two games before this really makes the series. The only way I can descried it is in a Star Wars way. It really reminds me how the Clone wars TV show made the Prequels better. This series made the two games that preceded it better. And that is why I recommend it for any fan of the game series.

Taking a look at the Despair Arc I found that I enjoyed it much more then the Future Arc. The bouncer tone at beginning really works for this arc and it slowly turns darker and more disturbing as the series goes on. While this arc mainly works as a prequel to the first two games, it also has some plot arcs that contribute to the characters in the Future Arc, but most are so underdeveloped that it barely matters. The only two new characters that the Despair arc really does justice is Ryota and Chisa. The main draw to this series is the appearance of the characters from the second game. Unfortunately, most of these characters are down graded to a funny line here and there and that is it. Really, they only use five characters from to really developed the plot. I find this to be a huge let down. On top of that they only focus on these characters in the first 4 episodes. Once Junko enters the series in episode 5, she basically takes over this arc and this is where I think the series diminishes a bit. But once class 77 and Junko stories cross paths the series starts to pick up again. I also think they missed a huge opportunity to show us more about Mukuro since she is the most mysterious character in the first game. Instead, they downgraded her to a masochist henchwoman.

Looking at the positive side to this series I found that this series started off better then the Future Arc did. The first few episodes are so fast and filled with energy it just makes you laugh like crazy. This series also gives us a lot of background on events that have happened before the first game such as the murder of Natsumi , the student council killing and many more. I know it is a downside that they really misused the cast from Danganronpa 2 but the 5 character they did pick if feel were good choices. The main 5 are Hajime, Chiaki, Nagito, The Imposter and Mikan. In my option if they only had to pick only five it would be these five. As I find them to be some of the better and more interesting characters from the second game. I find that this arc has the best scene in the series in it and that has to be Chiaki's death. Seeing her slowly get torture and then slowly die in front of Hajime/Izuru is not only heart breaking but is also a tearjerker.

For best episodes I feel that the better episodes are here in the Despair Arc rather than in the Future Arc. I also feel that fans of the games could watch a random episode in this arc and still enjoy it. For my favorite episodes I would say they would have to be episode 1,7,8 and 10.
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