Mommy's Little Boy (2017 TV Movie)
Title should have been "Mommy's Little Psycho" - Very Unpleasant
4 April 2021
Saw this LMN movie recently and was actually shocked at the amount of violence and inhumanity that was portrayed. Note:

1. Sadistic older brother brutally tormenting the younger one.

2. Tormented younger brother letting the older brother die in swimming pool.

3. Negligent (actually disgusting and sadistic) mother tormenting surviving son.

4. Kindly neighbor disgustingly killed by mother, and then having the son help cover it up.

5. Mother's creepy boyfriend wanting to spank the son's bare bottom. WHAT?

6. Surviving son killing the creepy boyfriend.

7. Mother making son help dumping creepy boyfriend's body.

This is a LMN movie?
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