An interesting documentary about a small town video store
5 April 2021
This documentary is less about Blockbuster and more about a small town video store. Yes the video store is/was a blockbuster and it does go through in a very high level about the rise and fall of the iconic video chain. But this really focuses on the last remaining Blockbuster in the world which is run by a woman who calls herself the blockbuster mom.

There are a lot of interviews with celebrities that talk about their memories of going to a blockbuster or video store and renting movies sprinkled in among a lot of shots of blockbuster mom, her kids, or store employees. It held a high level of nostalgia for me and it was nice to know I wasn't that old man yelling at passer byes about how great the good ol days used to be. I really do miss the video store days and definitely believe we have lost something when we said goodbye to the physical media era.

But as far as documentaries go this one was a meh for me. I don't think I would recommend it even if you are like me and have a strong nostalgic feeling when you see the brand. It wasn't that interesting. There was one interview with the old CFO who explained why blockbuster died and it is the same reason all the big iconic companies die they over extend themselves because they think they are too big to fail. That was the most interesting thing about this one. If I were you I would skip this one, maybe watch the Toys or Movies that Made us instead.
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