Doctor Who: The War Machines: Episode 1 (1966)
Season 3, Episode 42
Review for the whole serial
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't have much to say about this one mostly due to the plot being super predictable by today's standards. It might have been an interesting idea at the time, but beyond a machine with hypnotism powers I was able to tell where it was going beat for beat. That's not to say it's horrible or anything, it actually feels very unique compared to the previous episodes somehow and can be compelling. This marks Dodo's departure from the show (oh no, I felt like I barely knew her), I will say she wasn't as annoying as my initial impression made her out to be, but she definitely had her moments. Her time on the show is short lived enough that I can let that slide though. Her exit was so anticlimactic though, it's literally an off-screen phone call that she doesn't even have with the Doctor. It's Ben and Polly's introduction episode though and right off the bat they're an improvement. They're no Steven Taylor, but their characters are well defined and very likable and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them.
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