Star Trek: The Next Generation: Conundrum (1992)
Season 5, Episode 14
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A clever plot executed astutely on screen.

I do enjoy a star trek sci-fi / mystery blend and we have an excellent one in this episode. It was intriguing to watch the crew try to work through the loss of memory and the mission perimeters that they are on. The idea of each crew member maintaining a core identity despite the memory wipe was fun to watch.

Highlights for me was watching Worf assume control of the enterprise because of his interpretation that it was a ship of war based on the torpedo count. I also enjoyed Riker and Ro getting it on ----- Opposites do attract ---- At times I have found women who I absolutely cannot stand attractive despite all logic suggesting I should not.

It's interesting that the memory wipe eliminates the memory of who they are but previous skills remains in tact. Picard's core of genuine goodness ultimately saves the Enterprise from committing mass destruction.

This is some black op's schenanigans that the Romulan's would do.

We get drama, comedy, suspense throughout this one. TNG tends to success when multiple themes are firing on all cylinders.

We also get several Ensign Ro scenes and that equals quality in my books.

A good episode.
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