A purse snatcher is featured on the first episode and this guy is supposed to be "America's Most Wanted?"
7 April 2021
I am sorry to see John Walsh has been replaced as the host by Elizabeth Vargas. I am going to assume this was John Walsh's decision not to return. After watching this first episode where a low life purse snatcher is featured I also believe John Walsh did not want his name attached to this shallow attempt to solve petty local crimes and display this type of a petty crime as "America's Most Wanted?"

Next week maybe Elizabeth Vargas will provide a criminal who snatches a puppy out of the hands of a five (5) year old child and feature it as the number one criminal on the FBI's most wanted list.

The producers have had several years to prepare for this reboot and if this first weeks episode is representative of what we can expect going forward than the real criminals will remain on the run.

I just hope they never show a toddler throwing away their pacifier and accusing this poor child as a litterbug that must be stopped.

I give the series a dismal 4 out of 10 IMDB rating.
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