Hello, Me! (2021)
Fun and Cute Drama
9 April 2021
(NO SPOILERS) Let's start off with the genre and type of drama this is. This drama is a very heartfelt and heartwarming one in many ways, be it family troubles or life advice and change. It is also a very bright and comedic one with funny and cool characters that make the drama happy. About the characters, I'll be talking about the two male love interests and female lead. I have probably never seen a love triangle where both male love interests have full personalities and have a lot to offer especially with connections to the female. They both have a very upbeat and joyful comedic personality that makes you fall in love with them and their cuteness and you can tell they actually both really care for the female. Although in most dramas the men both hate each other in this drama they have playful nagging here and there but it's all harmless funny fun. They aren't the typical love interests that only have looks and money. It makes you happy either who ends up with her. The drama however does not focus on the love triangle the most but rather on the female lead and her journey to self-love and acceptance. For reference, the main male love interest is most similar to Min-Hyuk from Strong Woman Bong-Soon and Joon-Hyung from Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo. As for the lead female, I'm happy they made her ct her age and act mature rather than make her the typical shy submissive weakling like every drama and infantilize her she is an adult woman and that's what she acts like.. Overall this is a very light and fun drama to watch when you're chilling! I was very satisfied by the ending and this might be one of my favourite rom/coms. Hope this was helpful.
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