Game of Thrones: Second Sons (2013)
Season 3, Episode 8
The duties of the marriage, Mercenary Army and the White Walker!!
9 April 2021
Among many smallest segments, the highlights boil down in three meaningful happenings, the first the wedding day of Tyron and Sansa where the groom is extremely upset from father's order and makes a point to display his distaste on excess of wine, staying in the grip of the nasty humor of the spoiled and overbearing Joffrey, in return of such outrage Tyron replays pointing Joffrey's weak point, his dubious manhood, abased Joffrey reacts screaming louder, so Tywin intervenes appeasing the tempers, at wedding night behind the door is blatant the nuisance of both, Sansa is about undressing, however Tyron in clear proof of dignity is waiting for Sansa's consent, even if it takes forevermore.

Meanwhile Daenerys shall assess the arrival of the mercenary army led by three commanders self-called Second Sons to strengthen Yunkay's defense, the wise girl demands an appointment at her tent in order to overturn their previous decision, in a nasty parlance what appears to be the command-in-chef spoke first and asking straight, how much she would offer to them changing the side, Daenerys has to swallow many obscene propositions and also a high power to convince those crude warriors, later they allotting between them who'll kill Daenerys.

Perhaps the best is the remainder segment where Sam and Gilly carrying the baby towards to Castle Black at spooky forest they looking for a shelter due a looming stormy weather is coming, luckily the couple finds a rustic woodshed, meanwhile a heat discussion the name of the baby, surround by noisy crows sudden appears the ghost White Walker to get the liitle one and under a heavy snowfall, Sam has his finest hour, what a great and haunted finale!!

Thanks for reading.

Resume: First watch: 2021 / How many: 1 / Source: Blu-Ray / Rating: 8.5.
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