Running from nothing in particular.
10 April 2021
Bill Clark (Steve Cochran) is a guy who was sent to prison at age 13 for the murder of his father. Now, 18 years later, he's being released and is experiencing an all new world....one in which he's awkward and out of place. After trying to return home and having his past thrown in his face, he picks up and moves to New York City. Soon he meets Cathy (Ruth Roman), a B-girl with a heart of lead. When they go to her apartment, an undercover cop attacks her and begins slapping her about the place. Bill tries to intervene but gets decked by the cop. While he's unconscious, Cathy takes the gun away from the cop and shoots him. After Bill awakens, he is convinced by Cathy that he shot the attacker...and the attacker was a cop. Soon they are on the run...he not realizing he's done nothing illegal in the least. She's keeping the lie alive, presumably, to have a fall guy in case they are caught.

This is a very good film and kept my interest throughout. The writing is very good and Cochran is very sympathetic. While this is enjoyable, however, it's not really film noir. I mention this because noir has a lot of friends, but the style and camerawork are much more conventional...in case you care.
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