A Thumbnail Review of ROLLIN' PLAINS
15 April 2021
Poverty row studio Grand National Films opened shop in 1936 and survived just long enough to crank out this horse opera before closing it's doors the following year. Country singer and B-movie western superstar Tex TENTING TONIGHT ON THE OLD CAMP GROUNDS Ritter and his faithful horse sidekick White Flash investigate land disputes between sheep herders and cattle ranchers. A wealthy land owner named Barrow (Karl SING, COWBOW, SING! Hackett) has been instigating the disruptions while simultaneously setting up gang leader trigger (Charles DEADWOOD DICK King) to take the fall. If all that rootin' and tootin' wasn't enough there's also the tangy, twangy musical stylings of The Beverly Hillbillies to sweeten the B&W pot! What you'd expect from screen write Lindsley TROUBLE IN TEXAS Parsons and director Albert DELINQUENT DAUGHTERS Herman. Certainly not for all tastes but genre addicts may have some fun with it.
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