Star Trek: The Next Generation: Relics (1992)
Season 6, Episode 4
Grampa is here to save the day.
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am one of those guys who prefers for each star trek show to stand on it's own legs and build up it's own identity. I didn't like the McCoy cameo in episode 1 and the Spock episode was like drinking a flask of NiQuil. This episode manages to do a good job of bringing back a TOS alumni with a feasible premise.

I can buy into the idea of Scotty using teleporter space magic to hold himself in suspended teleportation for 70+ years. It also makes complete sense that Scotty would be in over his head in terms of understand current technology ---- I mean, where are the switches on these damn ships?

We also get a resolution to the episode that is the result of Scotty's engineering knowledge combined with LaForge's knowledge. Engineers save the day.

There's a ton of TOS references in this episode but they were inserted with care and felt organic.

This was a solid episode that definitely requires the viewer has a fondness for TOS era star trek to get something out of it.

I do greatly enjoy TOS ---- I feel like I am watching my Grandpa flying around through space whenever I tune it.
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