Right in Front of Me (2021 TV Movie)
As Premieres go.......
18 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Carly is a dress designer for a major firm who is on vacation at a resort at which name and location don't seem to matter to the story. What does, apparently is food, which Carly is only too happy to consume for free courtesy of her newfound friend Nick, the assistant chef at whatever this place is. Having all kinds of connections in the fashion biz she agrees to help Nick get investors for his dream of owning his own restaurant in return for advice on how to impress Matt who she's trying to land a date with in her spare time when she's not helping with a wedding or gorging on food samples. Nick tries to help her be less awkward in her first impression and sets up a date which features what else?.....more food. The date fizzles from the start ,her conversation is ditzy and he's distracted by a phone call. Meanwhile Nick fixes her her favorite dessert with a tiny fork to savor before bedtime. She's blows off a nightcap with Matt and the bridesmaids and hurries to her room to romance the cake. After Nick cooks a special meal for a well connected friend of Carly's that results in him losing his job, Carly dejectedly returns home. 3 years later her friend from the resort takes her out to eat at this new restaurant downtown and wouldn't you know it....it's Nick's! The location and the name (The Tiny Fork) should have been a dead giveaway but Carly is stunned. She finally realizes that this man is the key to fulfilling her wildest dreams....eating tons and tons of food. All in all an inauspicious Hallmark premiere for this actress but she does manage to put some com into this rom- com so there's always hope.
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