Bad Tales (2020)
Cinema Omnivore - Bad Tales (2020) 7.8/10
19 April 2021
"If adults are shrouded by malaise and crippled by their own petty failings, D'Innocenzo brothers devise something more wicked in the school kids' surreptitious rebellion, and what is so horrifying is not the action itself, but the gaping negligence, how those parents can let the danger fall through the cracks when it is right in front of their eyes every day. When BAD TALES finally unleashes its sinister tragedy (Lino Musella leaves an ambiguous mark in a limited role as the kids' abetting professor who holds a grudge against the community alter being hard done by), it doesn't pounce upon you like a shock, the disturbing discovery is arranged as a well-measured reactive long take of Bruno (before allotting a full shot of the upshot), and Germano is singularly exceptional to pull off the brothers' tricky maneuver, Bruno is a man who is overpowered by sheer devastation, and his delayed reactions are viscerally harrowing to the core. You can dislike Bruno like nobody's business, but credit when credit is due, Germano's protean acting is of the first order."

read my full review on my blog: cinema omnivore, thanks.
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