Gold is the root of all Evil, and it all should be blasted . . .
21 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . into the Sun, the prophetic prognosticators of the always eponymous Warner Bros. Warn America with THE HANGING TREE. The U. S. has gone off her rocker, first with the Gold Standard and then with the Silver Rule, HANGING suggests. The Warner seers caution citizens NOT to be bamboozled a third time with "precious" metals, with something like a Copper Reign. Rather, HANGING recommends that we join the townspeople and miners of Skull Creek, MT, in adopting dirt as the Coin of the Realm. However, be sure not to let the guys with the biggest wagons corner the market on grit. Limit the size of a personal stash to one molehill's worth, so nobody will try to pack rat away a mountain of grimy wealth. Warner cautions that such a resource-hoarding mentality MUST become a thing of the past, a relic from the Ancient Times, when men worshipped golden calves. The day you can drive an Equinox away from your local dealer at the cost of six grains of sand, you'll be able to rest content with the knowledge that Chevy's are "dirt cheap."
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