The truth is told in this film
22 April 2021
Provocative. Surreal. Truthful.

This film showcases bullying in various forms, and it can even be in the home because of simple ignorance. A persons feelings and general respect should never be a joke. This film highlights the lack of American conversation about bullying and cruelty. Adults are often to blame for their children's behavior, not because they encourage this bad and sad behavior, because they don't condone it and then dismiss the severity of the actions altogether. Education should not be left to the school systems alone, education starts in the home and children learn by example. Be a positive role model to everyone you meet, give a helping hand and stand up to violence, raise your voice in protest to hatred!! I gave this only a 9 star review because the mother should never have given her husband and son a pass for their behavior, and I personally feel her unspoken naivety is no better than the bullying itself. The damage that people inflict on other people through words is just as offending as physical abuse. Had this short film expanded on the outcome of the family's dynamic and the the brother's future behavior after the tragedy and how it changes everything could have easily made this full-length feature film.
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