'And when there's no more womb in hell the devil will come inside...you!!!!'
27 April 2021
Arguably one of the more maternally malign, perversely placenta splattering, trimester truncating shockers from the Shaw Bros, those fiendishly far-out, far eastern fear-masters of outré Shock-Socky phantasmagoria! Macabre maestro, Chuan Yang's inventively insane intrauterine Body Horror classic 'Seeding of a Ghost' (1983) remains an ex-seedingly sinister, preternaturally strange, riotously wrong-headed Voodoo revenge chunkblower! This gynaecologically gruesome supernatural sickie is a sublime fetus of fiendishly fertile fright-making! After you watch the belly burstingly bonkers 'Seeding of a Ghost' and continue dabbling in black magic for corporeal gains, prepare to double down deadly as the devil always plays a rigged game, whereby ALL bets are off...with your head! Confucius say 'Sometimes two wrongs can moist definitely make a right mess...of your wife!!!!!'
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