Bargain Block (2021– )
27 April 2021
Finally, a fixer-upper show with some sense and smarts!

Keith & Evan buy derelict houses in Detroit for next-to-nothing ($1,000 for some), do ALL the work themselves, while living in the houses, then sell them to people for very little profit (doesn't look like the market could stand any higher prices), so that "normal" people/first-time home buyers can get their foot in the door for home-ownership. Some of the designs are a little "out there" (I cringed when I heard "gold cabinets", but I ended up liking them!), but the point is to get houses fixed up, improve the neighborhood, and get people into their own homes.

I also LOVE that they sell the homes furnished...and they hit the thrift stores, Habitat For Humanity's ReStore, etc., and walk out with furniture that they re-upholster, paint, etc. And it goes with the house. And these houses could almost hold their own against other shows that "stage" for several thousand dollars. They re-use as much as they can, which leads me to a major gripe I have...

I think it's terrible that almost all these home remodel shows throw so many things into the dumpster, and off to the land-fill. Some put things on the curb, and people take them off to put in their shop, garage, etc., which is great. Some re-sell on the internet, also great. But there is so much needless waste...Season 1 of "Rock The Block" was absolutely APPALLING!!! My little town of 2,000 on the Oregon Coast has a ReStore, you can't tell me huge cities don't!!!

A really good show!
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