Entertaining End for Season One
29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The closing episode of season one comes with a surprise attack on headquarters after an undercover cop is assassinated in a warehouse by a masked killer while the accomplice watches. The perpetrators are after evidence taken by the cops when the victim was found in a pool of his own blood. The evidence is a pack of cigarettes found on the victim and the victim's partner arrives at the warehouse outraged the man has been murdered; believing he was sent there alone.

Many police are at the crime scene looking for anything that will help them solve the homicide. There was a witness hiding while smoking crack and she is brought in for questioning. Detective Rizzoli comes with the victim's partner to HQ, slipping the cigarette pack into her jacket on her way to the lab before locking it in evidence. While Jane is talking to the witness the drug-ring cast of heavily armed men enters HQ, kills the desk sergeant, shoots Frankie Jr. While making their way to the evidence lock-up. They knew the location of the evidence lockers which hints strongly at an inside informant; they shoot locks off lockers but cannot locate the missing evidence.

Maura has gone to feed her tortoise in the lab when she hears weapons firing while Jane leaves the witness in the stairway corner realizing they shot her brother. Maura attempts to save Frankie while on an examiner table while Jane works on a plan to escape since her brother needs hospital attention. Korsak finally reaches Jane on a homicide portable phone and learns HQ has been violently compromised and her brother in a dire situation. Vince hears the victim's partner tell of his partner's zeal to infiltrate the warehouse where he was killed by his own partner and later killing the witness in the stairwell.

The shoot-out was dramatized fairly well nailing the rooftop villains and the concluding scene where Jane shoots the bad cop through herself with his gun; not a bad ending, unlikely, but not bad. The series has 105 episodes spanning seven seasons with this performance the last of season one. The entire episode was entertaining, lose the side-show with the parents and the questionable methods of BPD. Everyone is a critic and those not liking the show hopefully will stop reviewing altogether; I have seen all the episodes, rating the series watchable and certainly beyond mediocre.
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