30 April 2021
You might take a jaded look at the poster and think : yeah right, cheap/predictable laughs from an old man cleaning up after a messy young woman.

Yes, an easy assumption to make though you'd be mistaken. This very interesting series has other things on its mind.

Driven, 28 yo career woman Mei ( Mikako Tabe ) works for a pharma company as a medical liaison. And while she's good at her job, she has no clues about housework & her apartment looks like a bomb went off. Her sister runs a domestic help agency, so as a birthday present, gives Mei the services of a skilled housekeeper for a while. Mr Nagisa ( Nao Omori ) might be 50, but he's very efficient, an excellent cook & wanted to be a mother when he was little. He quickly conquers her misgivings, & assorted adventures involving her parents, a handsome pharma rival and other matters ensue.

Taken from a manga, a couple of very convenient coincidences can easily be forgiven when the writers have bigger & more intriguing topics to tackle. Like the nature of relationships in the modern day, as well as the notorious workaholic culture prevalent in East Asia. I found it telling that with the loss of two experienced colleagues at Mei's work, no replacements arrive & nobody questions it; they're simply expected to work harder & longer into the night. No wonder breeding/boosting the failing birth rate is too damn bothersome due to people being too tired !

So the narrative weaves various strands together nicely and the conclusion is also well done at the end of 9 eps. I did find the double-ep "finale" ( called ep 9.5 ) rather odd : ninety percent of it is flash backs, though the flash-forward was fine. As to direction/photography, it's good & more slo-mo would've made it better. And I really liked a few small cute touches, such as Mei's phone alarm music & how the title appears in different places every ep.

Proper casting is clearly crucial for the 2 leads & full marks to both. Ms Tabe is very appealing and Mr Omori is extremely likable; his role has a bit more dramatic challenge & he manages nicely. The support players are really effective, especially Mei's co-workers & her BFF Kaoru ( Maryjun Takahashi ). Her search for a marriage partner is quite entertaining.
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