To Survive (2014)
A little hard to watch
30 April 2021
The cause of the disaster is never explained and only mentioned as "the way things were before..." which isn't bad or really even necessary in that all you need to know is that something massively went wrong and humanity has been reduced to this. Where things go wrong are that some of the scenes were just too contrived . I mean someone just doesn't bust into your house and 5 minutes later ask them to stay for dinner. It's just not believable. Or asking to tag along with them the next morning. The execution of the scene felt awkward and forced and plainly just didn't work. Indeed most of the scenes where there's personal dialog feels awkward and made up on the spot. Especially the getting to know you scenes where loose ends and backstories are rounded out didn't achieve that. You still ended up with a bunch of individuals rather than a cohesive group. Since I've come this far, maybe filming in HD wasn't the best choice of camera. I mean it's great for sporting events and evening news, but not for this. It's too much stark reality.

Well, it's fairly apparent this movie didn't click for me. There wasn't a single character I could root for and the story felt like it was half thought out.
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