the absoulutly best...
30 April 2021
True crime documentary i believe ive ever seen, and the name gacy mustve passed me by in silence( im ashamed but im norwegian) .because ive heard, seen and read alot about these specimens of humankind that due to some obvious reason go ahead and kill people, like todays kids does with the nintendo 3ds hunting for pokemons in every crook and nanny on the street sidewalks or on the city market square.

Well now i know and we are still waiting for more to come due to an humble piece of garden turf that seemingly has got something sinister looming over it making it impossible to excavate , a dig that may, if complete and done under the surveillance of objective parties, give rest and closure to the many 10's of thousands that still waits for an answer to the unidentified 8,7 or 6 thats left unidentified in the gacy case...

its a terrible thought that true crime becomes highly addictive entertainment, but tracy ullman, and alison true has made a serie thats filled with twists and surprises, and a superdynamical plotting to make everyone go to the binge counter, and definately ask for more if so happens. Its the 8th wonder of true crime productions thinks the grumpy old man.
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