Death in Paradise: Stab in the Dark (2015)
Season 4, Episode 1
A pretty average series opener.
5 May 2021
It's the festival of Fete Mouri, and also a good time for a Seance, a ghostly figure has appeared, and people want answers, a new question though, who did the stab in the dark?

I can see that others enjoyed this series opener a bit more than I did, I think it was ok, I wasn't blown away by it, it has plus points, but there are a few negatives here too, I felt like this was the turning point, this was where some of the silliness came I go the show, we had more silly walks, more daft gags, it changed.

The basic story is pretty good, some of the acting is a little questionable at times, but overall it's a pleasing watch.

I liked the involvement of Selwyn, it was nice to see him have a meaty part, he wasn't just in it for the odd moment, he was a big part of this episode, it was also great to see the arrival of the wonderful Florence.

Watchable, 6/10.
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