Stuart Little (1999)
Cute and Enjoyable For The Whole Family.
5 May 2021
Sadly, I have never read the original book by EB White that "Stuart Little" is based upon. But it isn't that hard to see that the movie falls inferior. But I disagree when people trash this movie. That sort of criticism is too harsh.

Frederick and Eleanor Little head off to the New York orphanage to adopt a new child. Their biological son, George (Jonathan Lipniki from "Jerry Maguire"), is so excited to be getting a younger brother. They meet a three-inch-tall humanoid mouse named Stuart (voiced by Michael J. Fox) and they really hit it off. The adoption is finalized with Stuart becoming a Little. But George can't see past his new brother's height. But that doesn't last very long and they start to bond like young brothers do.

The Littles love Stuart and consider him to be an actual family member. These tender and fuzzy moments of the family loving Stuart and George eventually loving his new brother are quite good.

The only one that hates Stuart and does not seem to develop any soft spot towards him is the Littles' cat, Snowbell (voiced by Nathan Lane). He is so jealous that this tiny mouse is getting a humane treatment while he gets treated like a regular cat. But he is even more scared about his cat friends in the neighborhood finding out and embarrassing him. When the other cats find out, they decide to help Snowbell destroy his arch rival.

This is the aspect with the villains and the problems that must be resolved. Again, it's nice.

Not a fan of everything presented? Well the one thing that everyone can agree on is the innovative special effects. Stuart himself is obviously non-existent (I will be surprised if there were scenes where he was animatronic) but he looks so real and adorable. Snowbell the cat and all his cat friends talking so look real too. Animatronics must have been used for the cats and they look superb.

"Stuart Little" is not a masterful film like "Babe." It fails at giving a supremely powerful vision of what it means to be family. The flaws here and there aren't bad, the whole thing simply wasn't strong. But I really don't want to downgrade everything. Just because it isn't powerful, doesn't mean it is not good. This IS good! Just because it isn't a masterpiece, doesn't mean this isn't something to skip. See this.

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