Again a bunch of fake or misleading reviews for at best an average show
7 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The show is barely average. I watched it cause i love shows like The Boys or the new Invincible animation. But this... The costumes look super cheap and like from Power Rangers, the story is nonexistant and revolves only around the origin and even that only the last episode. Everything else is completely inconsequetial and leads nowhere. The characters are boring,their actions clichee, predictable , they are uncharismatic and onedimensional. There is mostly just stereotypical drama with some average fighting and awkward wire propped stunts. The whole season could be shortened into 3 episodes easily because the tempo is snail like.

All in all, far from the level of season 1 of the Boys which is what people like to compare it to.

Average at best.
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