Lukewarm beginnings for Aussie drag
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
*This review was written after the first 2 episodes*

Glad ANZ queens are getting the spotlight. Always worth the watch for the sheer talent of these queens and the crass Aussie & Kiwi humour, and damn they lip sync well! I do feel bad for the New Zealand queens - 'Down Under' usually just refers to Australia. The judges only make corny American-centric Australian references. By the looks of things not a single challenge is going to revolve around New Zealand culture or comedy at all. Rhys Nicholson was actually a great pick as a judge, all things considered.

I'd put the production quality as better than Canada's Drag Race but worse than Drag Race Holland, so not bad for a first season and small-ish budget. The main judge refused to get into drag because they apparently can't be bothered to paint themselves come the circumstance, which is highly disappointing. The covid celebrity appearances were either filmed in 2k or on a 144p webcam, and were either presented to the queens on a big tv screen or on a tiny 2013 iMac computer. Where is the consistency and quality? Also not happy about them purposefully sending queens undeserving of the bottom 2 home for the 'gag', just for them to come back later in the competition. It is going to happen just like it has time and time again on other RPDR seasons, mark my words...
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