Godfather of Harlem: The Geechee (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
This is not a gangster show anymore but a preachy, divisive political medium
9 May 2021
This show had potential and started interestingly. Not to mention great cast and production. But the preaching ffs.... It never stops.

This should be based on a gangster and his story but it is based on blaming caucasians for everything wrong for anyone black and constant victimization. It doesnt matter if the person is dealing drugs to hundreds of thousands of people, living by violence or theft, being rude, women being selfabsorbed and narcissistic. Its the white mans fault. Instead of interesting story and portraying the society at that time (with showing the responsibilites of all peoples of race/xcolor) with an underlying moral message it goes the other way. It rewrites history, is based on political foundations and it constantly points finger only at white people, sowing disaccord and division between races, creating huge chasms.

Shows should strive to forwards messages of unity and peace. Sure also describe the unfair state of society at that time. But portray it with care and responsibility and with future in mind. Not putting more hate in the minds of youths and those already filled with hate.

This is a bad gangster show and an even worse political one. Instead of expanding on an interesting story and describing objectively the state of society, it only focuses on blame, creating division and more hate.

We do not want hate or blame to be the underlying message in shows, weed healing and unity through positivity being the final word.
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