Monochrome tedium to Nth degree, philosophical 'journey': only of marginal redeeming interest to die hard Sergio Leone completists - possibly, perhaps.
10 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well now, to me this is the sort of dilettante, emperor's new clothes like offering, that only deep cineaste connoisseurs can surely appreciate (let alone enjoy), as for your average cine enthused viewer (like me) this went way over my head as to why put up for an audience to tolerate investing their life's time to watch.*

Since described as "a modern film noir - (its in black and white) - about how women claim their freedom"** (plot spoiler below), and in an (rare to find nowadays) accompanying booklet to the dvd issue, this 'promised' something well overdue to highlight and savour on a feminist perspective, viz.: "#MeToo*** crystallised claims that until that moment, had remained invisible to public opinion .. women are claiming with a collective voice, the space the patriarchy has stolen from them."****, which is right on, all well and good, so you might settle in to expect something contributed along the lines of the recent revealing, yet still entertaining on the issue, 'Bombshell' or the likes;

instead you get a meandering monochrome 'journey' - (literally: the four main stars peripatations continue tediously interminably) - spouting inane cod philosophy observations (Camus, Pascal, and mainly a Fernando Pessoa amongst others are referenced), whilst - let's be honest, Rax - absolutely nothing whatsoever of interest happens ..

well, that is UNTIL the four get to the titular 'Sad Hill'.

Since then, for those that know - (I didn't, so came as a marginal interest, surprise to leaven the tedium) - and / or are die hard fans of director of 'spaghetti Western' fame, Sergio Leone / specifically 'The Good The Bad and the Ugly', as the four protagonists end up in the famed long drawn out, close up grizzled faces end, draw scene, actual location - (It's only for that interest that I 'awarded' the one star!) - wherein then

  • PLOT SPOLILER ALERT - read no further if .. - although its already given in the synopsis here .. pleased I didn't read it first .. -

the ladies here sorta re-enact that famed ending, but here by eliminating the irritating, useless, ineffectual, can never understand their womenfolk (well, whatever feminist diatribe accusation against them is being put forward in this?!) men / husbands, shown to get the come-uppance in pastiche / homage way. (Mildly amusing!)

Cue, understanding it all (NOT!!)

** I.e. Then shoot them! (Inferring, this is how women really feel about those men supposedly closest to them?)

Well, in such case, well done Mr Rinnekangas, as another pointless, tedium contribution to your cinematic oeuvre as: * Of course; I should have known, been warned as I have already 'tolerated' (reviewed) another of this director's cinematic offerings and it, too, er, shot to the top of my so tedious, pointless, why should I be expected to watch / enjoy this, ever seen list: So my own fault for trying again.

(Although; the deserted railway station location was interesting for railway enthusiasts.)

N. B. I found it revealing in that, surely not unintentional, that the production name is 'Bad Taste': Hmmm.

So: despite one of the main characters - (Ville Tanttu, so much of a ringer for an aged, grizzled Ralph Fiennes lookalike, its even referenced in his dialogue) - espousing his atheism, against others' Catholicism et al, I'd adjudge this as another Godawaful boring, what was the point of that, contribution to visual cinema. But then I'm just a popcorn (nuts) enjoy film for simple pleasure / entertainment: so what do I know.

*** one of several extra features on the dvd issue that supposedly impart insight into this inanity. A couple on the Sad Hill location are of interest to those Sergio Leone / GB&U fans. For an attempt to inject some point / fun ito your viewing, look out for 'Arch Stanton', even Claudia Cardinlle nods to.

**** "M. Isobel Menendez Menendez, University of Burgos, Audiovisual Communication Full (?!) Professor."
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