Take a Stan (2019)
Not the chicken wings!!
10 May 2021
The first 15 minutes include a wedding montage, Stan getting thirsty after his wife pleases him, a unrelated couple having a biblical argument on who owns a married woman's body and finally Stan getting so mad at his woman for bringing him leftover chicken wings he slaps her and dumps them on the floor, where she tearfully picks them up!! This scene was so powerful they knew it had to be played in a flashback just 2 minutes later.

The rest of the movie plays out like a lifetime drama, and not the horror-thriller that the poster implies. Audio sounds like it was a mix of on-camera mic or filmed underwater. The cinematography and lighting is adequate. Acting is about what you'd expect from community theater. Lisa, our main character is probably the best of the lot, while the titular evil Stan emotes about one level better than Steven Seagal.

If you enjoy Lifetime movies give this a watch. Fans of bad cinema probably won't get enough enjoyment out of the overlong runtime. Fans of chicken wings may be curious where the leftovers were from, they looked pretty tasty.
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