Professor T.: Elk huisje... (2018)
Season 3, Episode 6
Half baked like Ingrid's cakes
10 May 2021
One of those episodes where you don't rely know what score to give. I see others giving high scores but I suspect many were watching this on a weekly basis 2 years after series 2 was screened whilst I watch it just days later so can see it isn't quite the show it has been.

There is generally a bit of a lull mid-season and this seems to be it.

There is little humour here with the Ingrid and Cinny show not appearing until near the end and, as fanciable as Jasper's lawyer is (Virgo like Ella leyers, why did she not replace her?), the humour is forced or perhaps lost in translation.

There is a moving scene at the end, nothing to do with the murder case which seems a bit dull but emotive.

Sakia and Inske are starting to warm but, if you are going to include same sex couples then why not tick all the PC boxes and have an ethnic minority on the force too?

Sorry just a 7 this time. They shouldn't have put Jasper in prison if they were intent on making this third series.

Looking forward to the court case.
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