"Ya Know, I Think You're Some Kind O' Goon!"...
11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
TEENAGE GANG DEBS is the tale of motorcycle-riding hellions who don't take nothin' from nobody, unless they want it! Awesome dance music, complete with bongo drums, is guaranteed!

The gang known as The Rebels, hang out at the local watering hole, where Terry (Diane Conti), walks in and joins up. She used to run with The Falcons, until her guy "got busted" and wound up in "the can". Since then, Terry's been living with her parents in "Dullsville". In short, Terry needs some action!

With The Rebels, it's not long before Terry's enjoying a night of "cat fighting", followed by the obligatory "twisting" and doing "The Monkey". She soon gets a tour of the gang's "trophy room" full of... um, trophies. Then, more dancing. Whew! Jump back! Dig that crazy trombone!

Can drug use be far off? Nope.

Everybody's itchin' for a "rumble", so, a situation involving jealousy must arise, leading to the world's most tedious, couldn't-cut-a-fart knife fight! Terry's loyalty switches to the winner, and sexual violence against women ensues in the form of a "line up".

Terry proves that she's "bad news", a real meany pants in bossy boots! She's got the gang's new head honcho, Nino, wrapped around her finger, like a tiny-brained finger wrapper!

A rumble approaches! Bathtubs full of of alcohol are consumed! Motorcycles are driven by inebriated numbskulls! Muted ultra-violence occurs, accompanied by the ubiquitous bongo!

Is that "acid jazz" we hear?

Will the rumbling never end? How do these combatants tell each other apart?

Back at the clubhouse, it's time for even more dancing, including "The Watusi" and "The Karate Dance"! All while Terry continues her reign of terror, and Nino's brain remains five sizes too small.


More knife fighting? At this rate, Nino will wind up as the only member of his own gang!

Will Terry ever get her just desserts?

Oh baby! What a finale! Let's do "The Monkey" one last time...
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