13 May 2021
Maybe it's because I had such low expectations, but I laughed over and over at this! Edna May Oliver is a gift beyond measure, although her best part is the first 10 minutes of the movie. And according to the TCM pre-talk, there were, indeed, some jurisdictions in the USA where jurors are or were allowed to ask questions of witnesses. The juror room scene is full of hilarious, exaggerated characters/stereotypes - although the religious zealot on the juror actually isn't all that exaggerated... The comments about women were over-the-top even then, obviously, and the use of the term "sugar daddy" may surprise people that think it's a new term. Comments like "Hey, talk American" the insults to the French, all of which were meant then to be so ridiculous as to be funny then, will make you think of your last pre-COVID Thanksgiving with THAT uncle. Why is this not a well-loved much loved classic?!?!?
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