I really enjoyed this and found it very entertaining.
16 May 2021
Dollman Vs Demonic Toys (1993) is actually a 3 movie crossover between Dollman, Bad Channels and Demonic Toys from Full Moon Entertainment. This is available for free on Tubi (they all are). It continues the storyline post Dollman and explains the ending. Dollman "randomly" bumps into the shrunken girl at the end of Bad Channels and they have to take down the Demonic Toys attempt to bring back the demon who created them. The movie is directed by legendary horror director Charles Band (Ghoulies, Puppetmaster, Subspecies and Re-Animator). If you watch the 3 movies in order - Dollman, Demonic Toys, Bad Channels and then this in order, this movie is a lot of fun. It does deliver the same feel as those movies in a nice close to each storyline (even though Demonic Toys kept going). I really enjoyed this and found it very entertaining. I recommend watching them all. Final rating: 6.5/10.
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