"Ciao, Baby!"...
18 May 2021
THE BABYSITTER is a better movie than the title might suggest. Is it a low-budget, drive-in movie from the late 1960's? Yes. Does it feature bikers, nudity, and -egad!- "go-go dancing"? Indeed. However, it's the story that rises above the usual muck.

It's about George and Edith Maxwell (George E. Carey and Anne Bellamy) a middle aged couple who find themselves on the rocks, ever since their new, unexpected child was born. The marital tension is intense, with the wife blaming the husband, who shuts himself off completely.

Enter Candy Wilson (Patricia Wymer), the title character. She's young, pretty, and a very free spirit! In fact, she represents everything that has drained out of the Maxwells' marriage. She also has quite an effect on George.

Of course the aforementioned elements enter the picture, with lurid results. There's revenge, blackmail, and murder.

Still, the movie is solid enough to include the madness and remain watchable...
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