Okay, but...
18 May 2021
I enjoy seeing the exotic pets that many vets don't treat, and having seen "Dr T" on the "Doctor K" show I was interested. The animals are still fascinating, and I appreciate the staff telling viewers about the need to be properly prepared before taking on an exotic pet, but after a few episodes "Dr T's" cutey-cute persona starts to grate. The constant baby talk in the too-loud, too-excited voice, the constant response to every new exotic as "Oh, I want one so bad", are bad enough, but then there's her habit? Of making every statement? Sound like a question? When she's explaining to the audience? This is one of the most annoying speech tics I've ever come across. I teach ESL, and I advise my students to watch her show to understand that making everything they say sound like a question will really annoy the examiner when they take their finals, and may count against them. They get it the first time they listen to her.
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