These reviews resemble school kids piling on the kid who is always bullied.
18 May 2021
It's their chance to get in their licks without being singled out as the one who is uniquely abrasive. Hard to believe this many viewers were appalled by what they viewed. I myself thought the movie was interesting, well acted, and believable. Its singular shortcoming is clearly its abrupt ending with no definitive resolution. This unsatisfying ending is due to the fact that the plot is that of a short story rather than a three act play. Short stories never make satisfying movies for the simple reason that they end abruptly, leaving the viewer (reader) to imagine the final resolution. And while we don't know the final resolution, we do know what comes next. The protagonist's peace of mind, achieved after much effort, will soon be upstaged by the real world which has no interest in her sense of moral innocence.
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