Maybe not Lionel's best work, but I found it entertaining
20 May 2021
Now available on You Tube, with only a few reels missing. I think if more people could of seen Lionel in physical roles like this, they wouldn't see him as just an old man in a wheelchair, 'grumbling his lines' as one reviewer put it. Obviously that individual has not seen much of Lionel's films. He was ALOT more than that. Very underrated. Only 16 years of his 60 year career was he in a wheelchair. The other decades he was all over the place in many different roles and far from grumbling his lines. From 1911 to 1938 he was in hundreds of films and very active indeed. Only from 1938 til his death in 1954 was he confined to his chair. Amazing versatile actor I wish more appreciated. For this alone this movie is worth viewing. And how handsome he was! Sure I am biased, but Lionel deserves it!
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