"I'm In Love with You! I Don't Want To Hurt You! I Must Die!"...
20 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
SCORPION THUNDERBOLT opens with the death of a woman by a huge, reptilian monster. She's the fourteenth such death in only a few days. The police are stumped, which isn't surprising, since nothing in this whirlwind of nonsense has any rhyme or reason to it!

HERE ARE SOME TIDBITS TO PONDER: #1- A witch casts spells, bangs a drum, and dances half-naked! #2- A man swings a dead dog around, while doctors try to throw a net over him! A female reporter lures him out of a tree with a cat! #3- A prostitute / performance artist takes her new friend, Richard (Richard Harrison) to see her show, which somehow results in her foaming at the mouth! #4- A man in black attacks two cops, handcuffing them, and stripping a female, biting her, and injecting her with drugs, which starts a big kung fu battle in a back yard!

While all of this is happening, the monster strikes again, and two women dance as though they're being electrocuted!

PONDER SOME MORE: #5- A young couple runs on the beach in slow-motion, while across town, a drunken man tortures a woman with pool balls! He's quite a shot! #6- A car full of snakes! #7- Suddenly, Richard has a magic sword and a mystical mirror!

Keeping up with this movie takes real skill! It's best to just become extremely inebriated and let it all fly by...
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