This poignant, bittersweet and sad romance . . .
22 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . deals with the love triangle posed by Miss Friday Matinee, Robin and Jon. Though Friday and Jon are both sweet on MISS ROBIN CRUSOE, Friday would seem to have all the advantage. She has gutted more cannibal chiefs than her male rival, and she's really good at making fire and shrinking heads. She's a far more sensitive and tender lover than the brusque, oafish, clumsy naval officer, and she's got a lot more rhythm, as well. Friday can whittle concert-ready orchestral woodwind instruments, and then play them with expert proficiency. However, Robin apparently feels shoehorned into a straight perspective, and dismisses Friday's myriad charms with an off-hand gesture. How 17th Century!
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