Istanbul (1957)
Errol Flynn Sparkles & Shines in this Diamond-Smuggling Tale of Exotic Intrigue
23 May 2021
I just watched this film on You Tube. I'm a Flynn fan but had seen this only once before, close to 30 years ago now. My interest in Mr. Flynn lay dormant for many years. His films turned-up rarely, primarily only on TCM, which tended only to air his famous, top-notch swashbucklers. At some point, I decided I couldn't keep watching the same movies over & over. I've recently regained my interest in Flynn, mainly from a You Tube clip of his doing a very-entertaining song-and-dance routine in the British-film "Lilacs in the Spring", aka "Let's Make Up". Seeing this clip made me realize he'd made many additional movies in the 1950's after his last great swashbuckler "The Adventures of Don Juan" in 1948. For the record, I'm a big-fan of "The Master of Ballantrae", too, made in the early-50's. I decided I wanted to see as many of his last-decade of picture-making as I could, "Istanbul" being one of them. I must say, I found Errol rivetting in this movie-drama, released in 1957, just short-of-a-month from my birthday. I've never seen him so appealing, supremely-handsome, to be sure, but more importantly, he seemed just-right in the role---perfectly natural, self-possessed, & self-confident. His emotions & expressions seemed totally on-the-money in every scene. The You Tube print was in sharp, clear color, & featured excellent audio-quality. One of the best things for a Flynn fan like me, is that the actor was in virtually every frame of film. It was a joy to see him in frequent closeups wherein he displayed no-signs of dissolution. In fact, he appeared to be in excellent overall physical-condition, very sleek & slender, exhibiting a calm, natural manliness. There was no air of portraying a vacuous playboy or bon vivant charmer with the ladies; in fact, he was devoted to only one woman in this picture. I won't rehash the plot but it held my interest throughout. Though some have found it slow-moving, I did not, though I think I do recall being slightly bored by it upon 1st-viewing some 25 or 30 years ago. This time, so many years later, I found it quite interesting & compelling, in addition to being so impressed with Errol's appearance & performance. While he'll always be remembered for his classic Hollywood-swashbucklers, "Istanbul" proves what a versatile actor he was. This is a serious, down-to-earth drama & Mr. Flynn pulls-it-off with believable, watchable aplomb---nice ending, too!
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