Messy, uninspired waste of time
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike the movie, I'll keep it short: I know this is a zombie movie and didnt expect anything but a fun, gory popcorn flick. But oh boy, was I setting myself up for disappointment. The movie is so full of lazy tropes, bad dialogue and plot holes that its basically unwatchable.

If someone had just taken the time to correct some of the obvious errors and cut that bloated film down to 90 minutes it could have been great entertainment. But whoever was is charge here didnt care and what we got instead is an uninspired mess that just keeps dragging on.

The sad part is that the movie had some cool ideas and a lot of people clearly put a lot of love into it. The actors are doing the best they can, special and pracitcal effects are cool and so are props and costumes. But that alone cant change the fact that script and editing are horrible. To add insult to injury the ending was completly unrewarding and left me feeling tired and annoyed.

So even if you're just looking for entertainment: Dont watch this movie! Its an insulting waste of time.
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