Review of The God Plant

The God Plant (2018)
This documentary has been vote-bombed by other interests.
24 May 2021
No doubt about it. It is a factually sound, well-produced documentary that's received an appalling rating by faceless voters, saying nothing to support their rating given.

This documentary can be seen on Amazon Prime right now, and it is pure truth in every sense of the word. It shows the historical uses of Cannabis, it shows how the bodies of mammals have evolved to work in harmony with the active components of Cannabis. It shows how the plant became prohibited (spoiler, racism and Capitalism) and it shows several accounts both medical and anecdotal of people having huge benefits of using CBD oil. Among other things, 3 studies carried out specifically to prove that "Cannabis causes Cancer". All of the studies showed the opposite, Cannabis FIGHTS Cancer, and they were all buried.

If we are allowed to use alcohol and tobacco as recreational drugs, then Cannabis should ABSOLUTELY be allowed at the very least for MEDICINAL use. The only thing stopping this development, is lobbying by Big Pharma and ignorance stemming from propaganda aimed at making Cannabis seem like it is "Satan's Plant".

It is not. It is a plant with considerable medicinal uses, and a far less damaging recreational use than Alcohol or Tobacco could ever hope to be.

Watch. This. Documentary. Learn how Hypocrisy is the name which runs like a red thread throughout the West's history with Cannabis prohibition, which also affected the practical uses of Hemp. Hemp, which could've saved Mankind from our dependance on plastics decades ago.
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