Enoch Arden
26 May 2021
MP Michael Graves is called up and is soon reported as dead. His widow, Valerie Hobson, is devastated. A conspiracy sets up to give her a purpose, by running her for her husband's seat, and soon enough she is making her maiden speech in Parliament., and is thinking about remarrying Then Redgrave returns.

This Enoch Arden tale is given a modernist twist, with the subtext brought out into the open: hasn't Redgrave a right to expect to come back to the England and the marriage her left? Hasn't Miss Hobson the right to keep the position she has earned? It's based on a Daphne Du Maurier play, given the gleam that Sidney Box's production team could. I found the first half to be more enjoyable, watching Miss Hobson grow.... and the second half is well done, but it seems grumpy.
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