Strong themes but not done in a very cinematic way
30 May 2021
Enterprise transports a mediator to negotiate peace between two warring factions.

This is an okay episode with a good focus on self confidence and overcoming disability. It contains some classic liberal Star Trek philosophy but it is presented in a fairly non cinematic way.

To enjoy 'Loud As A Whisper' you need to be invested for the guest character of Riva who carries the main arc, along with Deanna Troi and have an appreciation for the use of communication to resolve conflict. His first impression is to flirt in a relatively creepy way with Deanna and for me I never really get over that distraction from the higher purpose of the story which shows him overcome his disability and confidence issues to make a huge contribution to the story. You also need to buy into his legendary mediation skills, which to be honest does not go hand in hand with his personality. I think if he turned up to resolve conflict in the Middle East or Northern Ireland his arrogance alone could fuel conflict. In fact throughout it all I kept thinking they should just let Picard do it.

All that being said, the main theme around Riva achieving success in the face of deafness, in a role that relies so much on communicating, is a good one. The scenes where Enterprise crew members such as Picard, Data and in particular Deanna help him find the confidence to make such a valuable contribution are good.

Visuals are a mixed bag with some ropey makeup jobs and costuming.

Performances from all cast are solid.
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