Class (2010 TV Movie)
Two People Finding Themselves and Each Other
2 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie portrays a lower class single mother, Kylie, and an upper class law student, Whitt. A college assignment has him trying to help Kylie find a job. Whitt initially feels like this task is beneath him and that it's Kylie's own fault for struggling. And she sees him as a spoiled rich guy. They spend quite a bit of time together, trying to find Kylie a job with benefits. During this period, Whitt also gets to know her son, who has severe asthma. Now he realizes the main reason Kylie is having a hard time finding and keeping a job. Through the four months they spend together, both Whitt and Kylie find themselves. They learn who they really are, what they truly want, and what they are capable of, including standing up for their dreams. And they also fall in love!

The lower class struggle is shown very well. Not having money to get necessities and healthcare, childcare, or a safe place to live is commonplace. Kylie's confidence is at rock bottom, but she still has hope. And it seems that upper class people can feel stuck at times too. Whitt had his entire life planned out for him and was afraid to question it. When he finally did, he was free.

This is my second time watching this movie and I'm sure I'll watch it again. I would've enjoyed more of Kylie and Whitt as a couple later. What the audience sees is still so new. The chemistry is there, but they are unsure of their feelings until the last couple minutes.
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