Interesting concept, but falls flat.
4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was prepared to love this movie. I liked the cast and concept, but sadly I felt this movie failed to deliver an emotional punch. Major kudos to the cast and crew. I could tell a lot of care went into making this film and it shined through. I really thought this movie would have more to offer than it did. I remember hoping Freddie's girlfriend would tie into the plot the way she reacted to the yellow house and Freddy's drawings. I hoped she somehow knew and was trying to keep him present, but it turns out she was just concerned with his well-being. The ending really leaves more questions than answers. Why does Freddy decide to stop following Cindy? Why was the girl Freddy scarred so important? What is the invasive entity? Where is Cindy now? Is she dead or still exploring? Why was Andre so freaked out in the bathroom? What were the numbers in the bathroom stall all about? Why did Sebastian's mom tell him not to call again? Maybe I'm just dumb, but as an average audience member I felt this film had a lot of interesting ideas but no substance to back it up.
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